Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Where have I been - again?

It has been a long time since I was here.

In 2008 I was diagnosed with Colon Cancer. So after 2 separate operations on my colon and liver (where it had extended it's tentacles), I began chemo-therapy. With my daughter Lucinda's help I stayed "with it" while living at her house. At least I thought I was OK. My chemo lasted until Sept.4, 2009. Now I have appointments every 3 months with the Oncologist, Dr. Kinsella, who was so very nice and helpful to me. I would recommend her and her clinic to anyone needing treatment for cancer. When my appointments become every 6 months, I am considering moving back to Union City.

Lucinda, her son, Aidan and I traveled to Union City by car in November, 2009. It was a fun trip, as long as I was not driving. I had not done so since my diagnosis. Lucinda took Aidan to children's science museums along the way. We also went to the Grand Canyon. Aidan was so happy.

We arrived in Union City during the early days of November. We had avoided most storms on the way. Only the Tehachapi Pass gave us moisture and driving through clouds. Our plans included trips to friends and relatives in California and Washington.

More on my "adventures" in California in my next post...

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